NailO: Fingernails as an Input Surface
Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao, Artem Dementyev, Joseph Paradiso, and Chris Schmandt (collaboration with ResEnv Group)
We present NailO, a nail-mounted gestural input surface. Using capacitive sensing on printed electrodes, the interface can distinguish on-nail finger swipe gestures with high accuracy (> 92%). NailO works in real-time: we miniaturized the system to fit on the fingernail, while wirelessly transmitting the sensor data to a mobile phone or PC. NailO allows one handed and always-available input, while being unobtrusive and discrete. Inspired by commercial nail stickers, the device blends into the user’s body, is customizable, fashionable and even removable. We show example applications of using the device as a remote controller when hands are busy and using the system to increase the input space of mobile phones.
Publications: Kao, H.-L. C., Dementyev, A., Paradiso, J., Schmandt, C., "NailO: Fingernails as an Input Surface", ACM CHI 2015 (to appear) (Best Paper Honorable Mention)